Leadership Development

Leadership Development


Leadership Development engages leaders in meaningful and relevant learning experiences designed to increase the effectiveness and impact of leaders throughout the organization. From aspiring leader to veteran administrator, Leadership Development strives to provide opportunities for continued skill development and leadership growth. 

Leadership Development supports the following programs:


LEAD Aspiring Leaders Program

The Leadership Experiences for Aspiring Leader Development (LEAD) program is an intensive year-long program designed to provide training and leadership opportunities for teachers who aspire to serve as school-based administrators. 

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Assistant Principal Induction Program (Level II Program)

The Assistant Principal Induction Program is a comprehensive state-approved  program designed to provide new assistant principals with support, mentoring, and training during the first year of the assistant principalship. Beyond the first year, assistant principals engage in field experiences, leadership activities, and complete the NISL Executive Development Program. Successful completion of the Assistant Principal Induction Program qualifies assistant principals to apply for School Principal Certification. 


National Institute for School Leadership (NISL)

The School District of Lee County has partnered with the National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE) to support continuous leadership development through the NISL Executive Development Program. The NISL program prepares school leaders to create and lead high-performance organizations, improve instruction, leverage data-driven decision making, improve student and school culture, and focus on equity. 

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*All Leadership Development programs are aligned to the Florida Educational Leadership Standards.

The Florida Educational Leadership Standards

Ready to Lead?

The School District of Lee County is committed to developing leaders to support our vision of becoming a World-Class School System.

Aspiring and Current Assistant Principals

Learn about our Assistant Principal Pool Process

More Information about Aspiring and Current Assistant Principals

Aspiring and Current Principals

Learn about our Principal Pool Process

More Information about Aspiring and Current Principals


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