A.P.P.L.E.S. - New Teacher Program

APPLES Program Logo

Program Overview

The goal of the APPLES program is to support new teachers and retain beginning teachers in Lee County via a multi-tiered system of support. The APPLES program within Lee County is designed to provide beginning teachers with job-embedded learning opportunities for professional growth and reflection. Teachers who participate in induction programs and mentoring are more likely to stay in the profession and express job satisfaction because they are empowered to serve their students more effectively.

What Are The Program Requirements? 

  • Required Coursework:
    • SDLC Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida (formerly Code of Ethics)
    • SDLC Protecting Florida’s Children
    • Welcome Aboard! Online Orientation Follow-Up
  • Minimum of 24 Hours Additional Professional Development
    • Additional Professional Development topics are to be determined by the principal, APPLES administrator, mentor, and new teacher, based upon the needs of the teacher and the school’s areas of focus.
    • Please note that requirements are based upon experience, not position. Teachers who are not in a regular classroom, such as Social Workers, School Psychologists, School Counselors, Speech Pathologists, and Behavior Specialists, etc., will still have the same requirements. The differentiation will occur within the Additional Professional Development requirement.
  • Ongoing Mentor Support
    • Weekly lesson/content planning conferences
    • Monthly observations (to include pre- and post- observation conferences)
  • Additional school-based components:
    • Two Formal Observations by Administrator*
    • Two Performance Evaluations (Mid & Final) by Administrator**
    • Monthly site-based APPLES professional development
    • Overall rating of Effective or Highly Effective on the end of year evaluation.

    *This is a requirement of all annual contract teachers.
    **This is a requirement of all newly hired annual contract teachers.

Length of Program

  • Successful completion of the requirements outlined above will result in program completion.
  • Recommended timeline for completion is 8 months.

Program Contact

Dana Philpott, Coordinator, Professional Development
[email protected]
(239) 337-8693