Virtual College Fairs

Woman standing with spiral notebook, yellow background, blue text box saying Hey! Thinking about college?

What to Expect

  • During each Virtual College Fairs, hundreds of college and university representatives will be available to talk with you and other students!
  • Log in using your phone or computer. It’s totally easy to get around.
  • Select which colleges you’d like to learn about! Sign up to attend their live and interactive Zoom sessions on how to apply, financial aid, student life, and more.
  • You can also schedule a virtual meeting with a college. Just choose a date and time.

NACAC Virtual College Fairs, logo

The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) is a nonprofit organization representing nearly 14,000 counseling and admission professionals worldwide since 1937. NACAC and its members are dedicated to ethical and inclusive service to students as they make choices about their higher education future.

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